Haslemere Vision

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To hear how we plan to turn Vision into Action

Please join us at our AGM and an open meeting to launch the next stage of  our journey!

at 8:00pm on Thursday 18th July at the Georgian Hotel 

On 21st March 2019 Haslemere Town Council (HTC) adopted the draft Neighbourhood Plan(NP) and will shortly seek your views and those of the wider community in an 8 week public consultation before implementing any agreed changes and submitting it to Waverley for the final stages of its journey to referendum. A small Haslemere Vision team will continue to support HTC through  this process.

HV's main focus will now turn to stimulating and working with all stakeholders to facilitate action on projects, identified in our consultations as important to the future of Haslemere*, such as new walking and cycling routes or development of the Wey Hill Fairground. These projects will only happen if we, the community, make them happen. The Haslemere Vision Steering Group, invigorated by a strong intake of new recruits, is up for the challenge. Might you be interested in joining the Steering Group too or one of  the project action groups we are planning or simply supporting us by becoming a member?

To find out more about the final stages of the NP, our plans for the future and how you can become part of the action join us

at 8:00pm at the Georgian Hotel on Thursday July 18th

* For the full list of projects go to  https://www.haslemeretc.org/ for a link to the Draft Neighbourhood Plan

Thank you for your continued support.

 Haslemere Vision Steering Group

Haslemere Vision
c/o Haslemere Town Hall, High Street, Haslemere, Surrey, GU27 2HG
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