Haslemere Vision

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Please see the message from Haslemere Town Council below

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Please Support Haslemere's Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

 2nd March - 27th April 2020


Since 2012 many dedicated volunteers have spent hundreds of hours and engaged with thousands of local people to gather information and evidence to produce a Neighbourhood Plan that will help shape the future of our community.

We now need anyone aged 16+ who lives or works in the area to respond to the online survey at: www.haslemeretc.org/neighbourhood-plan

Alternatively, hard copies of the Plan and surveys are available at Haslemere Library, Town Hall, Grayswood All Saints Church, Haslemere Museum, the Station Information Hub, Haslewey, Hindhead Cookie Bar and the Hub in Beacon Hill. Hard copies surveys need to be returned to the Town Hall, High Street, Haslemere, GU27 2HG.

The following events are available to view the Plan and ask questions of the volunteers responsible for its inception.

ØThe Town Hall: 7th Mar 11am-3pm
ØTrain Station Hub: 16th Mar 4.30-7.30pm
ØHaslewey: 26th Mar 12pm-4pm & 6pm-8pm
ØHindhead British Legion: 31st Mar 3.30-8pm
ØGrayswood Club: 8th Apr 10.30am-12pm 

Any questions please contact the Town Council on 01428 654305 or email 

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Thank you for your continued support.

 Haslemere Vision Steering Group

Haslemere Vision
c/o Haslemere Town Hall, High Street, Haslemere, Surrey, GU27 2HG
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