Haslemere Vision

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Red Court Appeal


Dear Members, 

Members may be aware from previous emails that Haslemere Vision submitted objections to the greenfield Red Court site on Scotland Lane which is situated outside settlement boundaries set by the Neighbourhood Plan. The developers of the site have submitted an appeal which is set to commence on Thursday 16th December and is scheduled to run for six days. 

The 537 objections submitted by residents and local groups will be in the Inspector's Pack and will be taken into account. Local organisations such as the Vision will also be making representations at the appeal but the voice of the public may be an important element in giving the Planning Inspector a sense of the scale of public concern. We would therefore encourage those concerned about the outcome to attend the hearing, either in person or via Zoom.


To secure a space, contact the Planning Inspectorate alison.dyson@planninginspectorate.gov.uk explaining whether you wish to attend in person at the Waverley offices in Godalming or online.  Waverley will send you relevant details in advance of the hearing and you will be able to attend as much or as little of the six-day process as you wish.


Significant numbers of attendees will speak volumes, but members of the public also have the to right to speak at the hearing. Anyone wishing to do so must register to do so with the Planning Inspectorate (at the same email address above). We would urge local residents with something to say to register as soon as possible. Personal representations will add insight to the value of the site to the local area; insights the drier contributions of interested organizations will not capture. We understand representations from the public will be heard on the first day, although the timings will be up to the Inspector. Waverley’s website will provide details at the appropriate time. 

We very much hope to see the commuity well represented at the hearing.

Thank you for your continued support.

 Haslemere Vision Steering Group

Haslemere Vision
c/o Haslemere Town Hall, High Street, Haslemere, Surrey, GU27 2HG
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