Haslemere Community Land Trust Update - November 2017

We thought you might be interested to read an update from the Haslemere Community Land Trust and the great progress they are making.
You can become a member of the Haslemere Community Land Trust by visiting haslemereclt.org.uk/get-involved/be-a-member, and find out more on their website haslemereclt.org.uk.

As the clocks go back and the leaves come down, it is time for some sturdy footwear, because the Haslemere CLT is making big strides forward. We are now legally incorporated as a community benefit society under the jurisdiction of the FCA; we are paid-up members of the National CLT Network; our revamped website (haslemereclt.org.uk) is launched and live; and we will be out and about at the Christmas Fair in the High Street on Sunday 3 December, promoting the cause of affordable housing and steering everyone towards our prominently placed "pitch" and recruitment centre. We hope to see you there.

Where our short life to date has been about formation, positioning and generally "tooling up", we move towards 2018 with three principal aims. Firstly, to engage with the community widely and at all levels so that the people of the town and its surrounding area take "ownership" of the trust; secondly, to lay firm financial foundations for work to come; and thirdly, to start getting our hands dirty with actual building projects.

If you are not already a member, and you live and/or work in or near the town, we urge you join us and take a share for as little as £1. You can contact us via the website haslemereclt.org.uk, our lively Facebook page facebook.com/haslemerecommlt or by post to: Haslemere CLT, c/o Haslemere Educational Museum, 78 High Street, Haslemere, GU27 2LA.

We are grateful to Haslemere Vision for their support and for the photos on our website, to Doug Chandler for running the site, and to the Haslemere Educational Museum for accepting and looking after our post.

Haslemere Vision
c/o Haslemere Town Hall, High Street, Haslemere, Surrey, GU27 2HG
To read our privacy policy, please visit http://haslemerevision.org.uk/privacy
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