Haslemere Vision

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Please see the message from Haslemere Town Council below

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Invitation to join the Neighbourhood Plan Webinar events

Haslemere Town Council and Haslemere Vision are holding webinar events via Zoom so that you can ask any questions you have about the neighbourhood plan. There will be a short presentation before the public are invited to ask their questions.

If you would like to participate the dates are:

  • Monday 20th April 7pm
  • Tuesday 21st April 10am

For information on how to join email info@haslemerevision.org.uk stating which date you wish to take part. We expect the events to last about an hour.

We will schedule further webinars if they are popular. Details will be posted on the Neighbourhood Plan webpage - https://www.haslemeretc.org/neighbourhood-plan.html

You can also provide comments by completing the Neighbourhood Plan surveys:


Thank you.

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Thank you for your continued support.

 Haslemere Vision Steering Group

Haslemere Vision
c/o Haslemere Town Hall, High Street, Haslemere, Surrey, GU27 2HG
To read our privacy policy, please visit http://haslemerevision.org.uk/privacy
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