Delivering and Monitoring
Monitoring the implementation of the Neighbourhood Plan policies will determine whether the policies are working. Many of the policies will be secured through the planning process via the inclusion of policy requirements in planning applications and through ensuring that the planning consent is implemented as approved.
The table below sets out a framework for monitoring the policies in the Plan. This includes an explanation of how the policy is to be secured and monitored and who will take key responsibility. Delivering these policies will require a wide range of private, public sector and voluntary bodies working together in addition to those who take key responsibility.
Policy |
How policy is secured and monitored |
Key responsibilities |
H1.1 Creation of settlement boundaries |
Planning applications to include details of whether site is within or outside the settlement boundaries. |
Developers |
H1.2 Presumption against development outside settlement boundaries |
Planning applications to include details of whether site is within or outside the settlement boundaries. |
Developers |
H1.3 Allocation of sites exterior to the settlement boundaries |
H1.4 Development within the settlement boundaries |
Assessment of planning applications. |
H1.5 Housing densities |
Planning applications for 10 or more dwellings should indicate whether the site is within 1 km of the station. The proposed density should be compared to the policy and explanations given for proposed densities below those set by the policy. |
Developers |
H2 Development outside the settlement boundaries on existing built land |
Refuse planning applications that do not accord with Plan policies. Planning applications should state the percentage increase the development adds to the existing property footprint. |
Developers |
H3 Sustainable development outside the settlement boundaries and on designated land |
Assessment of planning applications against Plan policies. |
Developers |
H4 Development brief, travel plan and consultation (50 or more dwellings) |
Developers |
H5 Windfall development |
Assessment of planning applications against Plan policies. |
Developers |
H6.1 Access and transport |
Developers |
H6.2 Pedestrian and cycle path links – station, town centre, Wey Hill and High Street |
Developers |
H6.3 Proposed routes |
H6.4 Public realm |
Assessment of planning applications against Plan policies and Building for Life standards 7 and 9. |
Developers |
H6.5 Access through developments |
Assessment of planning applications against Plan policy. |
Developers |
H7 High quality exterior design |
Assessment of planning applications against Plan policies, Haslemere Design Statement and Building for Life standards 6 and 11. Planning applications to include details of new green space and compare provision to that prescribed in the Accessible Natural Green Space Standard. |
Developers |
H8 Internal design, building standards |
Assessment of planning applications against Plan policies |
Developers |
H9.1 Affordable housing to meet local need and of a suitable quality |
Developers |
H9.2 Affordable in perpetuity |
Monitor amount and type of affordable housing delivered. |
HTC, Community Land Trusts, WBC |
H10 Housing mix |
Assessment of planning applications against Plan policies. |
Developers |
H11 Habitat protection |
Assessment of planning applications against Plan policies. |
Developers |
H12 Dark skies |
Planning applications to include details of steps taken to reduce light pollution. |
Developers |
H13.1 Local green space |
Refuse planning applications to develop on these locations. |
H13.2 Green fingers |
Refuse planning applications to develop on these locations. |
H14 Protecting the migration routes for wildlife |
Refuse planning applications that do not mitigate the harm to wildlife migration routes. |
Developers |
H15.1 Change of use from employment |
Planning applications to include details of steps taken to determine that there is no reasonable prospect of employment use. |
Developers |
H15.2 Change of use class B to other employment use |
Grant planning permission to proposals that comply with the policy. |
H15.3 Creation of employment opportunities |
Grant planning permission to proposals that comply with the policy. |
H16 Encourage growth of new and existing small businesses |
Grant planning permission to proposals that comply with the policy. |
H17.1 Article 4 directions |
Article 4 Directions are implemented for High Street/West Street area of Haslemere, the Wey Hill area of Haslemere and the commercial areas of the London Road and Tilford Road, Hindhead. |
H17.2 Managing change of use from retail |
Planning applications to include details of impact of change of use on retained retail premises. |
Developers |
H18 Encouraging an expanded visitor economy |
Grant planning permission to proposals that comply with the policy. |
Developers |
This Neighbourhood Plan looks forward to 2032. A lot can change in that time and so it is important that the Plan is flexible and can adapt to changing circumstances.
If monitoring shows that:
- allocated and windfall sites are failing to deliver sufficient housing numbers within the proposed timescales
- there is an under-supply of affordable housing
- there is a substantial loss of employment and/or retail space
then Waverley Borough Council and Haslemere Town Council will work with partners to decide what to do. This could include:
- negotiating with land owners/developers around housing numbers, mix, type and tenure
- negotiating around other site requirements
- acting as a broker between landowner, developer and community
- supporting partner bids for funding and/or
- a partial or whole review of the Haslemere Neighbourhood Plan