Community Opinion Survey – Part One – Roads, Transport, Traffic, Parking, and Economy

Haslemere Vision is appealing to all Haslemere residents to respond to a community opinion survey that will be delivered to every household within the Haslemere Town boundary during the week commencing June 23rd. It is important that as many local residents as possible take the time to read and respond to the survey before the closing date of July 31st

Last year, Haslemere Vision asked the community what issues were important for the future of our town and villages. Now it is seeking the views of all local residents on important choices the community will have to make in response to some of the key issues that were identified by the responses it received.

The survey is the first part of a two stage consultation. It deals with issues relating to the future of our roads, transport, traffic and parking and also the future of the local economy. A second stage of the consultation, planned for September or October of this year, will cover issues relating to housing, development and land use.

The responses received to the survey will influence the policies included in a Neighbourhood Plan to be produced later this year. The right to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan is a key provision of the Localism Act 2011 which aims to encourage and empower communities to take a greater role in the planning and development of their towns. The Plan will be put to all residents of Haslemere in a referendum in 2015 and, if more than 50% of those voting vote yes, the policies proposed in the Plan will have legal force. This means that they will have to be taken into account by developers and by Waverley Borough Council in its planning decisions and development control activities over the next 15 or so years.

Haslemere Town Mayor Penny Bradley said “The Localism Act gives communities a real opportunity to have a greater say in the way their local areas develop and I would urge all who live and work in Haslemere to consider the choices set out in the Haslemere Vision consultation document and make their views count by completing and returning the response form.”

The survey can be completed on line at or by completing the paper response form that will be delivered with the survey document and either returning it to one of several drop off points located around the town or by mailing it to Haslemere Vision c/o Haslemere Town Hall.