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Here are our previous newsletters:
- 16/01/2022 - Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Review
- 12/12/2021 - Red Court Appeal
- 11/11/2021 - Local Plan Part II Response
- 23/10/2021 - Stewart Brown - Our Inspiration
- 17/09/2021 - Neighbourhood Plan REFERENDUM announced - 7th October 2021
- 25/01/2021 - Urgent: Waverley Borough Council's Local Plan Part 2
- 10/12/2020 - The Neighbourhood Plan - Town Council Approved!
- 29/11/2020 - The Neighbourhood Plan - The Next Steps
- 05/10/2020 - Notice of General Meeting
- 29/05/2020 - Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation Closing 31st May - Last Chance to Have Your Say
- 27/04/2020 - Neighbourhood Plan - Notice of Extension to Regulation 14 Consultation
- 16/04/2020 - Neighbourhood Plan - Supporting the Consultation - Webinar Events
- 04/04/2020 - Neighbourhood Plan - Supporting the Consultation - A Reminder
- 02/03/2020 - Neighbourhood Plan - Supporting the Consultation
- 02/07/2019 - Neighbourhood Plan - Vision into Action
- 24/05/2018 - We've Updated our Privacy Policy
- 27/11/2017 - [Haslemere Vision] Haslemere Community Land Trust Update - November 2017
- 28/09/2017 - Neighbourhood Plan Update
- 08/08/2017 - Haslemere Information Hub
- 26/02/2017 - Haslemere Community Land Trust
- 06/07/2016 - Haslemere Station Access Survey
- 21/06/2016 - *Reminder* Community Land Trust Public Meeting 29th June
- 04/06/2016 - Community Land Trust Public Meeting 29th June
- 30/05/2016 - Haslemere Railway Station Works Disruption Information Event: June 14th, 7.30-9pm
- 29/05/2016 - Haslemere Railway Station Works Disruption Information Event: June 14th, 7.30-9pm
- 29/04/2016 - Looking for Volunteers to Deliver Leaflets
- 28/01/2016 - Housing Consultation Results
- 22/01/2016 - Travel Survey and Housing Consultation Results
- 23/12/2015 - Update from Haslemere Vision- December 2015