A number of policies have been developed, these are detailed in the following pages:
- POLICY H1: Designation and purpose of the Settlement Boundary
- POLICY H2 Development Outside the Settlement Boundary on Existing Built Land
- POLICY H3 Sustainable Development Outside the Settlement Boundary and Inside the Settlement Boundary on Designated Land
- POLICY H4 Consultation Requirements
- POLICY H5 Managing Volume of Windfall Development
- POLICY H6 Access and Transport
- POLICY H7 High Quality External Design
- POLICY H8 Internal Design, Building Standards
- POLICY H9 Provide Sufficient Affordable Housing of the Right Type
- POLICY H10 Provide an Appropriate Mix of Housing Types
- POLICY H11 Habitat Protection
- POLICY H12 Dark Skies
- POLICY H13 Local Green Spaces (Within the Settlement Boundary)
- POLICY H14 Wildlife Corridors and Stepping Stones
- POLICY H15 Retaining and Encouraging Local Employment
- POLICY H16 Encouraging the Growth of New and Existing Small Businesses
- POLICY H17 Retaining, Enhancing and Managing Changes to Retail
- POLICY H18 Encouraging an Expanded Visitor Economy