POLICY H2 Development Outside the Settlement Boundary on Existing Built Land

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Context and reasoned justification

There are many buildings in the Plan area that are outside the settlement boundaries that may be subject to future extension, alteration or redevelopment. As almost all of the land outside the settlement boundaries have special designations such as AGLV, AONB, Green Belt and countryside beyond the Green Belt any development should be sympathetic to its surroundings. Therefore such developments will need to fulfil the following guidelines in addition to all other relevant policies: A key consideration will be how a proposed development fits into the surrounding area and street scene. Effects on the local ecology will also be key and these are addressed within Policy H3.


To ensure development outside the settlement boundaries is not inappropriate and thus harmful to its surroundings.


H2 Development outside the settlement boundaries (as defined in Figures 1a-c in policy H1) on existing built land will only be approved if it comprises either:

  • a subdivision of existing buildings, or
  • a modest redevelopment of no more than 40% of the baseline footprint of the property at the base date as established by Waverley Borough Council’s emerging LPP2.

And it minimises its visual impact on the neighbouring countryside.

<— Policy H1Policy H3 —>