- Why does the town need a Haslemere Vision group if you have Haslemere Town Council?
Haslemere Vision is a non-political, community-led forum which, although supported by HTC, is independent from it. HTC recognises that it does not have the manpower or expertise to take forward a Neighbourhood Plan on its own and therefore is supporting Haslemere Vision in taking this forward. The Neighbourhood Plan has identified 18 opportunities that could be taken forward to improve our town and the surrounding villages but these will need community involvement to succeed.
- Is Haslemere Vision a political organisation?
The aims of Haslemere Vision are explicitly non-political. Haslemere Vision works alongside other organisations that are political such as the Haslemere Town and Waverley Borough Councils but retains its own independent view which is derived from its knowledge of the community’s wishes; obtained through consultation. Membership of Haslemere Vision is open to any individual or any organisation that has an interest in the issues and concerns of Haslemere and surrounding villages. The ultimate safeguard will be a wide and interested membership.
- How does Haslemere Vision ensure it is open and transparent?
We have a website so that information such as project updates, consultation evidence and steering group minutes are available. Our communications group ensures articles about our progress appear regularly in all forms of media (newspapers, local magazines, social media). HTC and WBC Councillors are egularly in attendance at steering group meetings which are also open. The company is registered under company number 08418921 and company filings are available on the Companies House website (https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/08418921)
- How can I join in?
You can join in in many different ways. You can attend our public meetings and workshops and respond to our surveys. If you would like to get more involved, you could offer to join one of the working groups or the steering group or volunteer to help with events.
- How is Haslemere Vision funded?
HV is a not-for-profit organisation that seeks grant funding to support its projects.